The Essie Bridal 2015 Collection is a little bit of a departure this year. Instead of being stuffed with lovely pastels and pretty sheers, there are a couple of surprising shades that’ll cover from the bachelorette party all the way up through the wedding shower, the big day, and the party afterward.
Essie Bridal 2015 Swatches
Essie Brides To Be (above): soft-spoken caramel blush. That’s two stupendously easy coats to a lightly tan nude. Not a streak in sight. If you’d seen me slappin’ this on, you’d have seen the smile on my face. There’s something happy about a perfect formula.
Essie Brides To Be – Mattified (above). Did you know Essie has their own matte top coat? They do – it’s called Matte About You.
Essie Worth The Wait (above): coral-kissed pink. I don’t know about coral-kissed but I do know it’s shimmery without being streaky. I also don’t know about it being pink – I think it leans way more towards peach but hey, either way, if you’re looking for a subtle flash, this one is for you.
Essie Worth The Wait (above): One more time just because the clouds moved past and you can see the pearly-ish finish better here – maybe. This is the only shade of the six that has any kind shimmer.
Essie Tying the Knotie (above): sheer floral pink. This is the only one I found marginally challenging to apply. I had to take it off a couple times and re-do it simply because I couldn’t stop streaking it. You’re looking at two coats and the first was thin and dry before I slapped on a whopping great second coat. I still managed to streak, but it’s barely noticeable, right?
Essie Tying the Knotie - (above): with the addition of a matte coat, you can only really see the streak down the side wall of my middle finger. I like this one matte though – a lot. I'm going to try again and see if I can get a perfect application... Might just be I hadn't had enough java juice yet!
Essie Hubby For Dessert (above): sheer candied lilac. That’s two coats to get what you see there. She’s a nicely greyed-lilac to cut down on the sweetness. It’s subtle, charming and to me, sophisticated.
Essie Hubby For Dessert – Mattified (above): I kinda dig it that Essie’s Matte About You makes mattes look like jelly. It’s dry there and somehow it still looks sort of squishy. But it’s not. Still, I want to squish it. Squish.Squish.Squish!
Essie Brides No Grooms (above): bachelorette-bright pink. Uhh. Love. That’s two easy, fantastical coats with zero top coat. Look at those cuticle lines! Look at those sidewall lines! This Brides No Grooms pretty much paints itself to this rich shade of awesome.
Essie Brides No Grooms (above): With an angle-shift and a little more light across my window, she’s lightened and brightened but still super-saturated. I might love her the best. Not only do I think I might love her the best, but I have no dupes for her in my Essie Archives. She hits somewhere around Watermelon with just a bit more strawberry. Pretteh!
Essie Brides No Grooms – Mattified (above): You want to squish it, right? Okay, that might just be me.
Essie Happy Wife Happy Life (above): radiant red-orange. Is it red? Here, yes. A stunning poppy red.
Essie Happy Wife Happy Life (above): Is it orange? Here, yes. A stunning poppy orange. How ‘bout that! Is it bridal material? You bet. Would I? Sure! I’d put it on my toes so after the big event, when I put on my flip-flops to go party on the beach, I have a surprising smash of colour that’ll make me smile really big. Like I wouldn’t be smiling big already, right?
Essie Bridal 2015 Collection Comparison Swatch(es)
Availability: The Essie Bridal 2015 collection will be rolling out to mass retailers within the next couple weeks. For more information on all things Essie, visit And then I’ve also made you some handy lazy links for our swatches of Essie Spring 2015, Essie Resort 2015, Essie Summer 2015 and word on possible Essie Neons 2015. Oh – and this info on a new salon product called Essie Silk Watercolor. Holy wow – Essie = busy!
Manicures and photographs Karen Falcon (she’s running low on acetone – yes, again)