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Deborah Lippmann Spring Reveries Swatches & Review

Deborah Lippmann Spring Reveries 2014

Yay, it’s finally spring! Yay, there’s a brand new Deborah Lippmann Spring collection to look at! Let’s do it and I’ll show you my notes too…

deborah lippmann spring notes

Deborah Lippmann Spring 2014

As I polish, I take lots of notes in a green notebook so that when I go back to write all the stuff, I don’t need to rely on my crummy memory. For this pastel Deborah Lippmann 2014 collection called Spring Reveries, I made really good notes and I’m gonna share them with you pretty much as I wrote ’em down, and in the order I polished.

Deborah Lippmann Tip Toe Through the Tulips Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann Tip Toe Through The Tulips
On application, there is swearing. This is the crème formula I despise. The self-level is marginally better than **** and even with three coats, my coverage is spotty in places. Grr. The finish is glassy though, so there’s that.

Deborah Lippmann La Vie en Rose Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann La Vie en Rose
Lovely in the bottle, it's a milky shade with shimmery copper flecks. Out of the bottle, three coats and I still have VNL (visible nail lines) which I always find irksome. Thick crème formula just makes me want to hit things.

Deborah Lippmann Build Me Up Buttercup Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann Build Me Up Buttercup
Three coats. Milky, thick crème polishes are my nightmare polishes. That.Is.All.

Deborah Lippmann Flowers in Her Hair Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann Flowers in Her Hair
Three coats. Formula is probably easiest so far and the pale green appeals to me vastly.

Deborah Lippmann Spring Buds Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann Spring Buds
I admit to blobbing this on in one massively thick coat, blobbing on another thinner coat, and hoping it wouldn’t pool in my sidewalls and around my cuticles. Success! Ugh.

Deborah Lippmann Blue Orchid Spring 2014

Deborah Lippmann Blue Orchid
Last one – why weren’t they all like this one? So glide-y and smooth. Good. Yes.

That's where my notes end but I gotta tell you that I was quite looking forward to this pretty pastel Deborah Lippmann Spring Reveries collection. The shades themselves are very, very pretty but I had to use ALL my polishing skills to get them to look the way they do. I start polishing and if I screw up, the polish comes off that nail and I go again. I must have painted some of these nails multiple times to get what you see here. Me ’n crèmes really don’t go well together and herein lies the proof. BUT, if you’re good with crème polishes and have the time to put into three perfect coats per nail, then your $20 is well spent. For me? Not so much.

But wait… Does the Deborah Lippmann 80s Rewind Summer 2014 collection fare better? Yep – it does – come see!

Deborah Lippmann Limited Edition Spring Reveries Shades 2014 ($20) are available in-store and online at

Manicures and photos by Karen Falcon (she really doesn’t enjoy writing reviews like these). Opening image via ©2014 BEAUTYGEEKS/