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Role Model: Liis Windischmann Talks Self Appreciation and White Lies

One of Canada's most successful plus models has a surprisingly simple beauty routine and is all for lying about your age.
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Liis Windischmann, model

Liis Windischmann

If Liis Windischmann could bottle her confidence, I'd buy it. As well as her goofy sense of humour, love of wordplay, insanely glossy hair, clear skin and beautiful bright eyes, her unshakeable sense of self is something I've always admired.

In the earliest days of our friendship, years ago when we were new in an industry that didn't exactly welcome models over a size 6 (in a televised debate, a fashion magazine editor at the time snapped that we simply were not and could not be called models), I marvelled at Liis' focus, professionalism and self-assurance. It was exactly right that her career should take her all over North America as well as to Europe, to the Caribbean, and to Africa, where clever Tunisian men, struck by her beauty and easy confidence, offered many camels for her hand in marriage.

In a way, her confidence is actually the part of herself Liis has always tried to share. She's a fierce believer in every woman's unique beauty, whatever dress size hangs in her closet. "We need to love and celebrate ourselves as we are, appreciate our best features, and stop obsessing about things we think are flaws," she says, and has said many times in her campaign for size acceptance.

Liis' beauty regimen is unbelieveably simple: 

St. Ives Apricot Cleanser. "I've used it for years; it's so gentle."

Jamieson Vitamin E cream. "Every day. I swear by it," she says. 

The Body Shop Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz. "So refreshing; I just love it." 

She recommends weekly bubble baths ("with candles, of course") to restore the spirit, and "some level of activity, something you like to do for your health. You have to pay attention to your body," she says.

Look for Liis' fashion story in the February issue of Canadian Living Magazine, which hits stands this month. 

"And add five years to your age when someone asks how old you are," she says. "Seriously. If you want compliments, add five years, don't subtract."

Photo courtesy of Liis Windischmann*